Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Computer Shortcuts via The Keyboard

Here is an alphabetic list of common shortcuts

Ctrl + A - Select All

Ctrl + B - Bold text

Ctrl + C - Copy selected

Ctrl + F - Find (access Search)

Ctrl + I - Italicize selected text

Ctrl + S - Save

Ctrl + U - Underline

Ctrl + V - Paste

Ctrl + Y - Do it again

Ctrl + Z - Undo

The most common for word processing are these:

Ctrl + B - Bold text

Ctrl + I - Italicize selected text

Ctrl + U - Underline

Using the mouse with the left-button pressed you can highlight text and then:
Ctrl + C - Copy selected

Ctrl + V - Paste

Ctrl + Z - Undo what you just did

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Water... water

Water, water everywhere but do you want to drink it? I'm a bit nervous about the water I'm able to grab for my RV van on the road. I've traveled all around the 48 and have no desire to drink water that might make me sick. So I have a Berkey water filter for the van.


I've been pretty happy with it. I've Gorilla glued it to my counter top in the van so that it can't shift or fall while I'm driving.

Is it the best out there. Don't know. On the other hand it seems to work well for me.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Internet On The Road for RVers

On the road to have good internet service possibly you've seen ads for Starlink and for Nomad Internet.

Currently I've turned off my Starlink service and am using Nomad internet. I've chosen the Nomad Air modem and I've been extremely happy here in the northeast. Next winter it will be interesting to see how well it does out in Quartzite Arizona.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Online Shopping - Amazon & Timu

 I travel for work and pleasure. My vehicle is a custom van. typically I travel with two or three computers, printer, and scanner. Plus a sundry of other devices. My typical source is both Amazon and Timu.

From Amazzon I've bought such non-obvious things such as a travel dog bed, micro sd cards, micro sd card readerice maker, and a walll file holder. From Timu my latest purchase was a usb-based bug zapper.

Good stuff!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

On the road again


I travel for work and pleasure. One thing I need no matter where I go is internet access. It has to be adequate speed and be reliable.

I have only found two reliable services for internet access with no problems. These are: Starlink and Nomad Internet. But first some background.

Currently the biggest problem besides reliability is throttling. What's that you ask? Cell phone carriers have a problem in that they don't have unlimited resources. So if you use too many of their resources according to them they slow down your internet access making your use of the internet almost unbearable.

Starlink has their own satellites swirling around the globe. So no speed issues from throttling. I have used it from coast-to-coast with no issues but one. My first dish (you can see it in the picture of the van) was out during a hailstorm and rudely failed to work after that. I've also had to replace my cable twice but that was clearly my fault.

Nomad Internet does use cell service but there is no throttling. I use their Nomad Air device and so far I'm extremely happy with it.

Both of these companies offer a service where you can start and stop their service if you won't be using it for awhile. Do check them out. You'll find links to the right under Our Favorites. And check us out if you need computer help. We do a lot of our work remotely. So no matter where you are we're there.

The pain of Passwords... eased

Be calm!



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Websites are funny

 What is a website other than a bunch of code. text, images, and possibly videos. It may even contain links to other websites or documents. But here's the thing. Each website has to be created and this takes time, energy, talent, and oh yes, money.

I have a wwebsite which you can find here. Its a very simple one page website. Other websites are quite complex. For example, the website which looks so simple until you think of all that it does and all that must be behind it.

Why do I mention this? Because you may have decided you want to have a website for your business , organization, or club. You really need to consider what that might cost. For example, I was trying to do something that I had never done before. I spent several days beating my head against a wall and suddenly I hade an inspiration and was able to create that bit of code in minutes. So here's the question. If this was for a client (it wasn't) what would I charge? Could I charge for all the time it took to figure out how to do it? That seems wrong as I think it cheats the client. On the other hand, do I just charge for the final moments when I figured out how to do it? That also seems wrong. It cheats me.

There are other considerations. Perhaps the website needs lots of specialized or technical text. Perhaps pages of it. Who creates that? How much time is alloted for editing?

This is just to give you something to think about if you want a website.

Backing up

When we speak of backing up we mean making a copy from one device to another. It's no use making a folderol your C drive and copying there because if your hard drive fails you will likely lose the original and the backup. Is ckearkt you want to backup to a different device.

That device might be local. For example backing up to a plugged-in external drive. Or it might br remote (in the cloud). The cloud simply means a device  somewhere other than your location. And by device with probably mean a bank of hard drives or many banks of hard drives.


A bit of history. The Norton company once had a product called Ghost. It would make a clone of your hard drive for the purposes of backup. Currently there is a friendly product called Casper which does the same thing. Do you see the connection?

Here is a list of some of the many backup products:


Acronis True Image

Easus (several products)

Backup Pro

There are many others.





There are others.

The point of all of this is you should be backing up.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Don't Backup

  •  You don't care if you're hacked.
  • You don't care if your personal information is stolen
  • You just love getting viruses
  • You just don't care

Computer Shortcuts via The Keyboard

Here is an alphabetic list of common shortcuts Ctrl + A - Select All Ctrl + B - Bold text Ctrl + C - Copy selected Ctrl + F - Find (access S...